KatzenKittenAbstammungKontaktÜber "uns"
Som'sis I-Wurf

Som'sis BC Iam the one

geb.am: 16.12.2010 Rasse: LaPerm (LH)

Geschlecht: 1 m

Farbe: redtabby / with
Eltern Großeltern Urgroßeltern Ururgroßeltern

S*Ägris Hus Garm

Rasse: LaPerm (LH)
Farbe: blue/white

Frisson BC Woodsmoke
Farbe: choclate/withe -tabby

GC Frisson BC Arkon
Farbe: red/silver/white
Ele'Cats BC Yampa of Coiffurr
Boheme BC Chez Isabella

Curlz BC Yer Blues
Farbe: blue/white - tabby

Coiffurr BC Le Shag-Pile
Curlz Dizzie Miss Lizzie of Bournetails

S*Ägris Hus BC Plommon
Farbe: blue

Quincunx Curly Coyote
Farbe: blac

Coiffurr BC Cappuccino
Quincunx Gridelin Greta

IDP*Perm-a-nent Curly Cordelia
Farbe: blac-torbie/white

IDP*Perm-a-nent Archimedes golddigger
Crearwy BC Madryn merch Cari

Som'sis BC Elain

Rasse: LaPerm (LH)
redtabby / with

Sekani BC Wapasha of Smeralda's

Farbe: red-tabby-point

Sekani BC Shadow of Dennigan
Farbe: black-classic-tabby

Dairyland BC Chipmunk of Sekani
Sekani BC Starcatcher

Dennigan BC Gold Feather of Sekani
Farbe: red-lynx-point

Kloshe BC Caesar
Kloshe BC Golden Songbird

Smeralda's BC Zweena
Farbe: black-torbie/mc.-white

US CH./Gr.Ch.Int.
Dennigan's BC Freckles of Smeralda's

Farbe: red-tabby-point

Sekani BC Cordon Blue
of Dennigan
Kloshe BC Golden Songbird

Ch. Int. Smerald's BC Rayanne
Farbe: black-torbie/mc.-white

Tari Cats BC C'est Extraordinaire
US Ch./Ch.
Isanyati's BC Bavani- Mandala