KatzenKittenAbstammungKontaktÜber "uns"
Som'sis BC D-Wurf

Som'sis BC
Danger; Draco; Dobby; Dalila

geb.am: 12.07.2008 Rasse: LaPerm (LH)

Geschlecht: 3m /2w

Farbe: 1m black-white; 1m red lynx point-white;
1m seal lynx point-white; 1w torbie point-white
Eltern Großeltern Urgroßeltern Ururgroßeltern

Sekani BC Wapasha of Smeralda's

Rasse: LaPerm (LH)
Farbe: red-tabby-point

Sekani BC Shadow
Farbe: black-classic-tabby

Dairyland BC Chipmunk of Sekani
Farbe: red-lynx-point
Yoda of Dairyland
Lea Ann of Dairyland

Sekani BC Starcatcher
Farbe: blue-torbie / white

Andy P. of Sekani
Sekani BC Blue Lace

Dennigan BC Gold Feather of Sekani
Farbe: red-lynx-point

Kloshe BC Caesar
Farbe: red-point

Kloshe BC Silver Fox
Peach Pits of Kloshe

Kloshe BC Golden Songbird
Farbe: red-lynx-point

Kloshe BC Red Glow
Kloshe BC Hummingbird

Smeralda's BC Zweena

Rasse: LaPerm (LH)

US CH./Gr.Ch.Int.
Dennigan's BC Freckles of Smeralda's
Farbe: red-tabby-point

Sekani BC Cordon Blue
of Dennigan
Farbe: blue-tabby-point

Dairyland BC Chipmuk of Sekani
Dairyland BC Fawn of Sekani

Kloshe BC Golden Songbird
Farbe: red-tabby-point

Kloshe BC Red Glow
Kloshe BB Humingbird

Ch. Int.
Smerald's BC Rayanne

Farbe: black-torbie/mc.-white

Tari Cats BC C'est Extraordinaire
Farbe: red-mc.-tabby/white

Ekimeus BC Cheyo
Ekimeus BB Baina-Ya

US Ch./Ch. Farbe: black-mc.-tabby/white
Isanyati's BC Bavani- Mandala

Ch. Int. Uluru BC Wiyaka
Lakota Spirit BC Po Toyela